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Fashion Revolution Week - Who Made Your Clothes

by The Bonniemob on April 23, 2019

Do you know Who Made Your Clothes?

This week marks the anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy in Bangladesh and we remember the importance of transparency and reform within the global fashion industry. 1138 people lost their lives that day and we are right behind all efforts by this movement to raise awareness so people really do know who made their clothes. A love of fashion should improve and enrich lives, both of those who wear the clothes and those who produce them. If it doesn't, then there is something not quite right there.

The bonnie mob continue this season to use our same trusted suppliers, some we have used since the very start of our journey as Bonnie Baby back in 2005! We hope that this proves as a testament to our confidence in their excellent work, close relationships and deep understanding of our standards. Our factories are in China, which to those who don't realise, is a high benchmark for fair working conditions compared with many other Asian producers. Maximum working week in China is 40 hours and alongside strict standards for workplace safety and a fair minimum wage, we continue to be proud of our team over in the East. We count them as part of our bonnie mob family and couldn't produce our designs, season on season, without their skills, expertise and loyal dedication. 

With our regular trips to our factories, we get to know many of the staff that work there, from Pattern Makers to Security, and like to know first hand that we are helping create a happy environment for them. We wanted to do a quick Q&A with just a handful of our team about their work and are very grateful they took the time to answer, especially in English!

Fashion Revolution Week

|| Security Guard - Kang Hong Sheng

What is involved in your job?  I am a security guard, the main responsibility of the daily work to protect the company's property in order to maintenance of normal production and worker safety.

What is your motivation for doing your job? As a security, work can serve the community and the unit., so I love my own work.

What do you like to do in your spare time? My favourite exercise during the spare time is running around the city.

What are your dreams for the future?  I love my life and my dream is to contribute my own power to society.


|| Pattern Maker - Liu Chang Wen

What is involved in your job?  I am a pattern Maker, the main responsibility of the daily work to prepare the paper pattern and pattern's arrangement.

What is your motivation for doing your job? I love my job because it is challenging, I would like to challenge myself.

What do you like to do in your spare time? I love to travel during the spare time because I could explore more.

What are your dreams for the future?  I would like to travel all the historical sites throughout the world. My dream is to understand / experience the history of all countries.


|| Sewing Technician - Liu Nan Zhu

What is involved in your job?  I am a sewing lady from the sample department. The main responsibility is to produce the samples according to the style provided by the designer carefully.

What is your motivation for doing your job? I do complete my job seriously in order to absorb / improve my own technical level. In the future, I can have a stable and strong skills in this field.

What do you like to do in your spare time? I love to play badminton in  my spare time.

What are your dreams for the future?  I hope that when I return home in the future, I can contribute more to the relevant work in this field.

 All these lovely people and more are integral to the running of our business, and we hope that our continued efforts to be transparent and remaining a fair and loyal employer means that we can proud of what we produce and you can be proud of your purchases.

We are proud to stand by our motto "Buy once, buy well, pass it on"

How to get involved this week?

The Fashion Revolution website has a wealth of information about how to get involved and resources for social media. This includes Write a letter to a brand and ask #whomademyclothes? Download the ‘How to be a Fashion Revolutionary‘ booklet. It’s full of inspiration and ideas about how you can use your voice and your power to transform the fashion industry as we know it or download an Action kit: Everyone
Information on how get involved with Fashion Revolution Week 2017.

who made my clothes? Fashion Revolution Week